
Auto Shop

The Auto shop is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the existing campus fleet consisting of 43 licensed vehicles and 110 carts.   The shop keeps all vehicles operational, so the University service groups can continue to support our safety, facilities, and mail/packaging flowing, and athletes to their events.  

Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs

  • Oil/filter changes
  • Routine service and safety inspections and repairs
  • Tire/battery/belt repairs/replacements
  • Engine, transmission, brakes, starters (all mechanical components).
  • Body damage, paint, decals

Vehicle Administration

  • DMV/Licensing record keeping and tracking
  • Insurance records/payments and tracking

Other Equipment Maintenance

  • Lawn mowers
  • Tractors
  • Man Lifts
  • Gas/fuel pumps


  • Repairing metal structures through welding


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Jay Al Rawe

Lead, Auto Shop

Building Mechanics

Our building mechanics shop is responsible for the maintenance, repair and renewal of existing equipment on campus and focuses on the three primary areas of repair - Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing. 


  • Electrical power, outlets and switches.
  • Lighting
  • Emergency Lighting


  • Wet space (bath, kitchen, etc.) fixtures
  • Water source and temperature issues
  • Drains and clogs
  • Plumbing piping related leaks and repairs


  • Commercial and domestic appliances 
  • General mechanical equipment (pumps, motors, etc.)
  • clock, smoke detector, bathroom fans, etc.


  • Physical Plant does not service card operated laundry machines in dorm buildings - These machines have a 1-800 number listed on them to call for service.
  • Equipment specific to a departmental use is the responsibility of that department (i.e. lab equipment) to keep maintained and repair. for its maintenance and repair. 

Carpentry and Paint

The Carpentry and Paint shop is primarily responsible for repairing, maintaining, and renewing our existing facilities envelope (the shell of the building keeping the outside elements out), and furnishings with in. 


  • Doors, windows, walls, ceiling and flooring 
  • Window coverings and screens
  • Mounting and removing items attached from walls.
  • Cabinetry and furniture repair
  • Exterior siding, roof, fencing, decking, and cement repairs.


  • Patching and painting walls and surfaces
  • Parking lot and curb painting
  • Wood surface refinishing and staining
  • Wallpaper repairs and replacement

Exceptions: Custom construction or builds are not in the Physical Plant budgetary scope. Small builds can be reviewed on a case by case bases depending resources.  If approved the department making the request will need to pay for the costs.

Changing of colors of walls or spaces can only be considered if the existing paint needs renewing and color choices must meet our facility standards and be approved by Physical Plant.



Shawn Denley

Supervisor, Building Mechanics


Our HVAC Team is responsible for the most diverse and intricate mechanical equipment that is crucial in maintaining the comfort and quality of the air in our buildings.   This team is also a pivotal aspect of  the sustainable efforts through the SEM program of Energy Trust of Oregon.  In addition, this team continues to work diligently to ensure the best air circulation and filtration of our buildings since the start of the pandemic.


  • Steam systems
  • Forced air systems
  • Radiators
  • Thermostats
  • Chillers
  • AC units
  • Commercial refrigeration

Air Circulation

  • Exhaust
  • Filtration
  • Ventilation
  • Humidity control

Thermal comfort is the number one complaint of building occupants and this is largely due to one person’s comfort level can be greatly different then their neighbors who share the system thermostat.  Our temperature set points are determined by an industry wide standard for comfort set points.  Optimal set point is between 68 degrees and 72 degrees. 

If you have a temperature concern, we will always investigate to ensure no system failure and if not then work to educate on how your system works.


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Eric Sandvig

Supervisor, HVAC/Boilers/Steam

Lock Shop

Our Locksmiths are responsible for function and security of all doors on campus.  This includes repair and maintenance of all locking and door hardware as well as re-keying.   


  • Mechanical locks
  • Electronic Locks
  • ADA Door hardware
  • Non-locking door handles/levers
  • Door closures
  • Door push bars


  • Cutting new keys
  • Re-keying for lost keys


  • Doors not securing/shutting
  • Doors not opening


  • Card access issues or card reader repairs are handled by Campus Safety and not Physical Plant.
  • Access approval. Campus Safety has the only authority to approve someone to have access privileges (a key or card access).  Physical Plant only provides the key once Campus Safety tells us it is approved.

Key Requests

Key Requests for Staff & Faculty are to be submitted on the online form via the Pilots UP Campus Safety page: Key Request Form. Email for assistance if needed.


Key Requests for Students should be submitted by a Residence Life representative in a work request with the following information:

Employee name
Banner ID#
Room number and name

After the key is cut, it will be available for pickup at the residence hall's front desk or with the Hall Director. 

Key Pickup Deadline

All keys must be retrieved from Campus Safety within a month of being made. After a month, the key will be returned to Physical Plant and used for other requests. If the requestor still needs the key, another key request must be submitted and approved. 


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Jason Sather

Lead, Lockshop