UP Student Resources | University of Portland

UP Student Resources

The STEM Education and Outreach Center is here to help you with your educational endeavors! On this page you'll find educational resources, articles, research opportunities, and grant information!

Students sitting outside doing work on their laptops.

Educational Resources

  • Saturday Academy: For STEM education opportunities for students in 2nd-12th grade see Saturday Academy.
  • Math Resource Center: Peer tutors are here to help you succeed in your math classes! The math resource center is open Sunday - Thursday and hours change each semester based on the availability of the tutors. Check out their website for current information and to make one on one tutoring appointments.
  • Computer Science Tutoring: To set up a tutoring session with one of the Computer Science tutors please visit the Learning Commons site to set up an in-person or online tutoring appointment. 
  • Makerspace:The Maker Space, known as the "Pilot Space," is an innovative lab located in the Shiley School of Engineering designed for students to independently design, prototype, and manufacture their creations. While the Maker Space is critical to students in engineering, math, science and technology (STEM), the new lab is available to students in all disciplines at the University. For more information, check out their website.
  • STEM clubs: if you're interested in exploring some different subjects in STEM, check out these clubs on campus!
  • Cybersecurity: For free, unbiased information about CYBERSECURITY (what it is, degree programs, schools, employment opportunities) see https://cyberdegreehub.com/.
  • QUBES is a community of math and biology educators who share resources and methods for preparing students to tackle real, complex, biological problems. Explore their educational resources and services on their website.


  • Changing the Curve: Women in Computing. This article explores the history and influence of women in computer science, looking at some of the field's key figures and then reviewing some statistics on how women's representation in technical fields has evolved over the last several decades. 


  • Tips on grant writing: If you are thinking of applying for any grants, check out AC Online’s grant writing tips. This page breaks down the different types of grants available for students, how grants can be used to help fund academics, the grant writing process, and six tips for writing a winning grant proposal.
  • The Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement is a resource providing opportunities for University of Portland students to engage in research and creative activities by encouraging and supporting faculty and student partnerships. The Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement is located in Buckley Center 114 and is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can also find more research resources on their website at  https://www.up.edu/undergraduateresearch/resources.html.
  • Student Opportunity Center: University of Portland's subscription to the Student Opportunity Center allows UP community members to set up an account on www.studentopportunitycenter.com, using their up.edu email address, and search for on- and off-campus undergraduate research experiences, as well as presentation and publication opportunities. Faculty and staff can use the S.O.C. to recruit UP students for on-campus research opportunities.
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs): The NSF offers funding to a large number of research opportunities for undergraduates through REUs across the country. These research opportunities are generally held during the summer and provide students with a stipend as well as housing for the duration of their research. To learn more about REUs check out their website at https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/.


  • Take a gander at Nitro’s 65 STEM Scholarships for 2018 to get a head start on your academic funding!
  • Stem Opportunities for Women and Minorities: This site has a both a large amount of educational material on representing your gender and ethnicity in college and a comprehensive list of STEM scholarships for women and minority groups.
  • Study.com is excited to share a new scholarship for female students pursuing an undergraduate degree emphasizing STEM subjects. The Women in STEM Study.com Scholarship gives one lucky student $500 to help with their tuition. Students must apply by April 1, 2018, which gives them plenty of time to submit the quick and easy application. We will choose one winner based on their free response submissions. To submit their application, students should visit this page: http://study.com/pages/Women_in_STEM_Scholarship.html

Careers in STEM

  • Discover Data Science offers a large assortment of high quality data presented in an easily understandable format concerning data science degrees and schooling.
  • Where the STEM Jobs Are is an article by the New York Times detailing how the supply and demand for STEM works and how it changes.
  • Comparitech's article on 35+ initiatives to get more women into cybersecurity details the benefits of more women in cybersecurity and possible initiatives and organizations to join for women interested.
  • STEM Study provides a list of possible careers in STEM accompanied by their descriptions, median pay, projected 10-year growth, and companies who hire for this position. 

Graduate Programs