Unless you have submitted written authorization, federal student financial aid can cover only "current academic year institutional charges" as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. The definition of institutional charges includes tuition and fees, as well as on-campus room and board. It also includes other fees such as lab fees, workshops, University registration fees, and other University fees directly associated with taking a class. Unless authorization is received, federal financial aid cannot be used to cover charges such as health insurance, library fines, hall fines, campus safety fines, returned check fees, deferred fees for payment plans, or any other charges not directly tied to taking a class. Additionally, federal student financial aid cannot pay "prior year" charges with your current academic year's financial aid (the academic year begins in summer semester and ends in spring semester).
The Title IV Authorization Form found in Student Self Serve will allow the Office of Student Accounts to apply federal financial aid funds to non-institutional charges and up to $200 of prior year charges. Failure to submit a Title IV Authorization Form may result in a refund of Title IV aid and a subsequent student account hold and/or late fee on the unpaid balance.
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798
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