Guidelines for Summer Salzburg Faculty in Residence


These guidelines are based on the UP Faculty-Led Study Abroad Handbook and the following documents from the Forum on Education Abroad: "Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad."  

The following guidelines are for overseas faculty-led courses taught during UP Summer Session I or II (University calendar).  

Salzburg summer programs combine course instruction with Program organized excursions. Linking your course to experiential opportunities outside of the classroom will help strengthen your proposal.

The types of courses reviewed through this process include:  

  • Courses taught as part of the Salzburg summer study abroad program for credit 

Annual deadlines for proposing summer overseas courses:

  • June 1 

All proposals will be submitted electronically to the Study Abroad Office/CISGO on or before the deadlines and include:

A Complete Proposal including:

  1. Draft Syllabus
  2. Department Approval NOTE: Written approval from the Department Chair/Associate Dean is required prior to beginning the review process and will be requested BY the Study Abroad Office.