Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

 In compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and Regulations (AWAR), no person reporting an animal welfare concern in good-faith will be subject to retaliation.

The University of Portland does not have any animal facilities on- or off-campus.

You may report your concerns by any of the following methods:

  1. Email your concerns to the IACUC at
  2. Call or email the IACUC Chair Sarah Schmits at or 503.943.8973.
  3. Send your concerns through campus mail to the IACUC Chair Sarah Schmits, Environmental Health & Safety, Walter E Nelson Bldg)
  4. Send your concerns through the US postal service to the IACUC Chair (Sarah Schmits, University of Portland, Environmental Health & Safety, Walter E Nelson Bldg, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203)

Reports may be made anonymously or you may include your name and contact information. By including your name the IACUC can update you on findings or contact you for clarification if needed. The IACUC will keep all reports made confidential.

If possible, please include the following:

  • Did you personally witness the incident?
  • Where did the incident or concern take place?
  • Name(s) of principal investigator and/or personnel involved, if known.
  • Brief description of incident or concern.