Continuing Review

This website has been updated to reflect the Revised Common Rule, implemented on January 21, 2019.

In its initial review of a proposal, the IRB will consider the extent of continuing review needed. All ongoing research projects subject to IRB review, with the exception of projects deemed "Exempt" by University of Portland's IRB, shall be reviewed at least annually.  It is the responsibility of the principal investigator, or in the case of student research, the faculty advisor, to ensure a Continuing Review/Revision form is submitted with the required documentation.

In certain types of research, subjects are exposed to more than usual risk. Such proposals may be subject to continuing review at more frequent intervals appropriate to the research. This review interval will be determined at the time the research is approved and may be changed at the discretion of the IRB.

In each such review, the principal investigator will be required to promptly report the status of the research activity and any proposed changes in the research activity. If the research is still in progress, the investigator will affirm that the approved research protocol involving human subjects is being followed.