A Conversation with Tyson Reddig '19 of Actually Gavin Improv

Social Media

January 9, 2018

We recently caught up with Tyson Reddig ’19 of Actually Gavin Improv to talk about the renaming of the club, their plans for the semester and the art of improv. 

The improv club at UP has been ‘cracking jokes’ on The Bluff for over 12 years and currently has a rotating cast of 40 students.


Last year you were The Bluffoons, this year you are Actually Gavin Improv. What’s up with the name change?

 Last year during one of our rehearsals we started a bit where every sentence had to start with “Actually, Gavin…”. Gavin Enos was our President at the time, and it ended up being pretty funny and turned into an inside joke that persisted throughout the year.

At the end of the year, we decided we wanted to rebrand the club and work on bringing it back to its former glory. The officers brought up the “Actually, Gavin…” joke and the name change. We all voted on it and it passed, so now we are Actually Gavin Improv.

What do we need to know about improv that we don’t know yet?

Anyone can do it! So many people, friends, classmates say, “That sounds fun, but I can’t do it. I’m not funny” or “I can’t think on my feet”. What I want people to know is that improv is for everyone. It is not just about being silly, it is a craft that you can work on and improve on. The brain is like a muscle, and the part of the brain that you use for improv needs to be worked out regularly. If you put in the time and effort, you can be a good improviser too! Our rehearsals are very welcoming environments too, don’t let your nerves get the better of you.

I also think improv can help in everyday life. It helps you think on your feet, react more honestly to situations and listen to others and really hear them.

We are sure there are many, but can you tell us about a skit you really enjoyed?

Freshman year, I worked the lights for a show that seniors were putting on as their final send off. They needed someone to work the lights because they were testing out this weird long-form concept. They were entering and leaving people’s dream and simulated realities. It was super fun to watch even though I was off stage switching the lights. I loved it because it showed that improv has infinite potential and you can really go anywhere you want with it. It can be fun to take it to someplace very strange sometimes.

Do you have a favorite moment with the group?

This whole year has been a favorite moment. At the beginning of the year our mission was simple; collaboration and connection. And we have been doing great so far.

Our group this year is closer than any other year that I have been involved and I really feel like the club is a great source of friendship and human connection for all its members.

Some people say improv is like a cult, but Actually Gavin is a family, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

What fun stuff are you working on for this semester?

So many things! We recently traveled to Seattle for the College Improv Tournament. We have 10 improvisers on our competition team this year, so we are excited to compete.

On February 24th, we are bringing the critically acclaimed group “Baby Wants Candy” to campus. They will be doing a full 90-minute improvised musical.

On March 24th, we will be hosting our annual festival, Project Improv Portland.  There will be several college improv teams and it will be free and open to the public.

We also have shows almost every Friday of the semester at either 7:30pm or 10pm in the Mago Hunt Recital Hall. Admission is $2 per person or $3 for 2 people

We are also running a lot of giveaways on our social media, so watch for that!


Actually Gavin Improv Show Schedule:

7:30 p.m. – February 2, February 16, February 23. April 6

10:00 p.m. – February 9, March 2, April 13, April 20


Instagram: actuallygavinimprov

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bluffoons/