University of Portland presents 2018-2019 Faculty Awards, May 7
Performing and Fine Arts
May 8, 2019

The University of Portland’s 2018-2019 Faculty Awards were presented on Tuesday, May 7, at the annual Faculty Awards Dinner, with the following results:
- The James Culligan Award, established in 1953 in memory of a dedicated servant of the University and presented annually to a faculty member in recognition of distinguished service, was presented to Sr. Angela Hoffman, OSB, chemistry. Winners of the Culligan Award wear the medal with their academic regalia, as a sign of the University’s highest faculty honor. Sr. Hoffman’s citation includes “With deep respect and great admiration, we recognize a professor whose tireless efforts to lessen the suffering of people stricken with cancer are nothing short of heroic. A research chemist, distinguished teacher and mentor, and consecrated religious, this professor has long exemplified the ideals and mission and holy work of our University.”
- The Deans’ Award for Faculty Leadership, presented annually to a tenured faculty member who exemplifies, in an extraordinary way, the qualities of teaching and scholarship described in the University's Articles of Administration for appointment, advancement in rank, and tenure, was presented to Lisa Reed, Pamplin School of Business.
- The Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching, presented annually by the University’s Committee on Teaching and Scholarship to a faculty member who is a particular exemplar of the University’s commitment to superb teaching, was presented to Christin Hancock, history.
- The Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, presented annually by the University’s Committee on Teaching and Scholarship to a faculty member who presents unusually significant and meritorious achievement in professional scholarship during the past two academic years, and whose work substantively enhances the effectiveness of his or her classroom teaching, was presented to Aaron Wootton, mathematics.
- The Faculty Award for Outstanding Service, presented annually by the University’s Committee on Teaching and Scholarship to a faculty member who is an exemplar of the University’s commitment to service, was presented to Bill Barnes, Pamplin School of Business.
- Faculty receiving the Alexander Christie award, which recognizes 25 years of service at the University, include Sr. Carol Dempsey, OP, theology; Larry Larsen, performing and fine arts; and Norah Martin, philosophy.
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