Safety on Campus

Campus Safety car

Campus Safety

Campus Safety's mission  is to support the University's primary objectives by helping to promote, create, and maintain a safe, secure, and enjoyable campus environment for all members of the University Community and its guests.

More about Campus Safety

Students walking outside library

Title IX

The University of Portland is committed to ensuring equal access to education in an environment free from discrimination, including sexual harassment and interpersonal violence. Title IX is federal legislation from the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and gender in education programs, including athletic programs or activities that receive federal funding.

More about Title IX

Students with computers sitting outside

Green Dot

Green Dot is an anti-violence initiative aimed at preventing the travesty of power-based personal violence. In a world where domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, bullying, and other forms of violence are represented by red dots spreading across a map like an epidemic, a green dot represents that same moment in time, but rather than an act of violence, it represents an action someone takes to prevent the violence from occurring.