Submitting a Proposal

In order to complete the IBC Application for Work with Biological Agents, you will need to:

  • Provide addresses of any off-campus locations where research will be conducted.
  • Read and understand Section IV-B7 of the NIH Guidelines, "Principal Investigator Responsibilities."
  • Submit electronic copies of any permits needed for the project.
  • Complete all applicable trainings listed on the IBC Required Trainings page.
  • Read and understand the UP Blood Borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases Reporting, Prevention, and Exposure Control Plan if your project involves:
    • Human or Non-Human Primate Tissue, Blood, Body Fluids, and Primary Culture (Blood Borne Pathogens) or
    • Wild-Caught or Random Source Animals or Animal Tissues, Blood, Body Fluids, and Primary Culture That May Carry Zoonotic Disease.
    • Submit an electronic copy of the site specific Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan if you are working at a site other than University of Portland.
  • Provide all relevant documentation such as literature references, information regarding vector replication status and results of replication status testing if your project involves working with lentiviruses.
  • Refer to the NIH Guidelines, CDC Guidelines, and ABSA Risk Groups to answer several questions.
  • Submit an electronic copy of your course roster if this project involves students enrolled in a course.
  • Submit a list of all other students who will work on this project (whether enrolled in UP or elsewhere) using an electronic copy of the Student Personnel Form.
  • Note regarding adjunct faculty: If an adjunct faculty member is the instructor of record for a course or project that requires IBC review, a full-time faculty member should serve as joint Principal Investigator and be listed on the application as joint Principal Investigator.

Submit your IBC Application for Work with Biological Agent.

Your form will stay active and accessible for one week after you start the form – but only from the same computer and only if you don’t clear out the cache or cookies.

Send questions about submitting a proposal to