
Fun to Fly

Richard VanGrunsven ’61 revolutionized the world of homebuilt airplanes with Van’s Aircraft. Today, more than 10,000 customers tour the clouds in one of his RV planes.

  • Story by Eileen Bjorkman


Finding Her Calling

Becoming a teacher was never the plan. But education was where she discovered her gifts most overlapped with the world’s needs.

  • Story by Katie Laskey


Cutting Through

Buddhist nuns visited The Bluff, sharing a message of love and compassion.

  • Story by Sallie Tisdale

Editor's Highlight

“One thing I’ve learned from doing this work is that we can’t change the past, but we can always change our relationship to it.” - Taylor Stewart ’18, speaking about his work in "Sundown to Sunrise."


Cave Without a Name

One fellow traveler enters the underworld of grief and returns renewed.

  • Story by Anne Gisleson


Dream House

A father delights in his son’s ambitions to build his own home.

  • Story by David Asson


Dreams on Ice

How one alum is helping put Oregon figure skaters back on the map.

  • Story by Cheston Knapp

On the Bluff

Soup for the Soul

Cooking for students is Mo’s love language.

  • Story by Danielle Centoni