For the first time since the pandemic-impacted roll-out of the Ethics and the Professions Internship program in 2020, EPI interns had primarily in-person internship work experiences during the Summer of 2022. Each of the four interns held a remote internship at one of two partner organizations.
DBI hosted an Ethics in the Community storytelling dinner experience specifically for EPI interns, plus a fellow UP undergraduate guest they each invited. Three practicing professionals from around Portland shared real-life ethical dilemmas from their work and personal lives, engaging the students in dialogue about the varying priorities, important questions, and decision-making habits that surrounded these situations:
To learn more about the Summer 2022 EPI experiences of our interns, check out the profiles below!
Daniela Gutierrez
- Class of 2025
EPI Internship: WorldOregon
"I think the ethics conversations during my internship have given me helpful tips on how to navigate a career search and even how to analyze organizational culture. After graduation, I will hopefully have a career opportunity or even grad school, and I am more comfortable with my ability to make a decision with what I choose for my future."
Jack Jensen
- Class of 2023
EPI Internship: WorldOregon
"During my ethics conversations, my questions focused a lot on important virtues to develop in the workplace and how people respond to ethical dilemmas that arise in their work. These are fascinating questions, and I would love to build on my experience here by pursuing them in graduate school and/or in my own life."
Rid Malynn
- Class of 2024
EPI Internship: Make-A-Wish Oregon
"My greatest takeaway from this experience was learning to value my own work, have more confidence in myself and my abilities, and know my worth within a company. It is easy to feel small when you are an intern for a well established, very busy company. But diving into ethical topics related to the professional world played a central role in building my confidence and giving myself the credit I deserve. This experience has given me the tools to advocate for myself, learn my limits, and value my role as a part of the team."
David Montanez
- Class of 2022
EPI Internship: Make-A-Wish Oregon
"Internships are important because the teach you a lot about what to expect in a job. Internships give you the ability to see what you like and how to act in a professional environment. You can pick up on the work culture pretty quickly and this will give you good insight on what you would like in a workplace."