At the University of Portland, we take an approach to residence life that you won't find at many other universities. UP's foundation and mission relate back to Blessed Basil Moreau, the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, who wrote, "An education that is complete is one in which the hands and heart are engaged as much as the mind; we want to let our students try their learning in the world, and so make prayers of their educations."
Read on to learn more about what makes residence life at the University of Portland different.
There are eight tenets at the heart of Holy Cross residentiality:
Hall identity is a hallmark characteristic of Holy Cross residentiality at the University of Portland. It is through hall traditions that hall identity and unity are built. Hall activities, rituals, and traditions are what sets one hall apart from another and encourages connection, hall retention, and a sense of student identity and belonging.
As critical to hall tradition is the expectation that each hall develops into both a place of hospitality and service. Will other students, parents, staff, and faculty feel welcomed within the community of the hall? What effort is the hall making towards addressing and connecting with the marginalized within the hall, on campus, in our society, and those of the global community? Responsibility for the development of community falls to each individual resident with leadership from the hall staff; it is this commitment to each other that helps students develop and feel like they belong.
Learn more about our hall communities and what makes each one special.
Intervening "pastorally" with a student means to intervene in a caring, supportive, and loving manner with the intention of promoting the community while guiding the individual. Pastoral actions can happen anywhere or anytime where there is brokenness, conflict, difficulties, or simply a need to be listened to.
Intervening pastorally means that our staff members walk into an encounter with an expansive, developmental, and relational perspective. They consider how the values of our mission relate to the student and the situation. By intervening pastorally on behalf of the growth of the individual or community, our staff convey to students their desire for the care of the individual and the community. Moments such as these provide opportunities to shape values and form character.