Information for Community Partners
Students who have federal work study within their financial aid packages must apply for positions through the Moreau Center to be considered for Community Service Work Study (CSWS).
CSWS student workers do not have to provide direct service to clients, although we would encourage organizations, when possible, to create opportunities for such. However, student workers can provide indirect service such as office work, research, general program support, or event planning. CSWS work must, in some way, clearly benefit the community, directly or indirectly. Additionally, a CSWS student worker cannot fill an already created paid position on staff and thus replace someone who would have received payment from your organization for the same position.
Each summer, the Moreau Center solicits CSWS job proposals from local community partners and non‐profit organizations. Job placements at CSWS partner sites are limited, and partners are encouraged to re‐apply each year for positions.
Regarding CSWS, the Moreau Center will seriously consider job proposals from partners who can provide the following:
- A position that offers work that will benefit the community it seeks to serve
- A position that offers interesting or engaging work (values the student worker’s skills, interests, and field of study)
- A willing, consistent, and committed supervisor who will be a resource to the CSWS student worker and to the Moreau Center
Frequently Asked Questions
How is student eligibility determined?
All students in CSWS positions must be eligible for Federal Work Study. Students apply to receive work study funds by filling out a FAFSA form. Work study allotments are granted based on financial need, not academic standing. Allotments are currently capped at $2,500 for most students. Allotments will be verified at the beginning of the term with each student.
Who pays the student’s wages?
The University will pay 100% of the student’s wages on a bi‐monthly basis. However, the CSWS student worker supervisor is responsible for monitoring the student’s hours worked and verifying a bi‐monthly timesheet. Details on this process will be communicated once a partner is approved.
What dates throughout the year can a student work?
Students may only work during the academic year and not during the summer months. You can email CSWS@up.edu for the most updated dates for the upcoming year.
How much can a student work per week?
Regarding student work schedules, priority policies to keep in mind are as follows:
- Students may work up to 20 hours per week (Monday through Sunday) between all student jobs when classes are in session.
- Students may work up to 29 hours per week (Monday through Sunday) between all jobs when classes are not in session (ex. Winter Break).
- Students may work up to 8 hours per day, between all student jobs, and must take at least a 30 minute unpaid lunch break when working 6 or more consecutive hours in one day. This break must be logged on their timesheets.
- Students may hold up to 3 open student employment positions on campus at any one time.
The University has systems in place to ensure that students are adhering to these policies. The related responsibility of the CSWS supervisor will be to sign timesheets to verify hours worked by the student.
How many hours can a student work total in this position?
Because CSWS students are paid through their Federal Work Study allotment, the total number of hours they can work governed by the allotment of the specific student.
Once a student earns all of their allotment for the year, they are no longer eligible to be employed by the CSWS program but can continue as a volunteer with your organization if they and the organization desire. For example, if a student has $2,500 in FWS funds and is being paid $16.70/hour, they can work about 150 hours in their position.
With these points in mind, it is up to the organization and the student to work out a schedule that is suitable to both parties and takes the student’s work study allotment, course load, and schedule into account. Some students/organizations may prefer to have the student work fewer hours per week and work the entire school year, and some may prefer to work more hours per week during some parts of the year.
You may also find it helpful to review the student employment information on the Office of Financial Aid website.
Will my agency have the same student all year?
It depends. You are welcome to hire a student for just one semester or for as long as they are eligible to work for you. Some students will work for the same agency for 2 or more years, while some will only work one semester. When you hire your student, make your expectations known and ask the intentions of the student for the length of their employment. You are responsible for communicating all changes in CSWS student employment at your organization to CSWS@up.edu.
Is transportation available for student workers for CSWS positions?
While the Moreau Center offers small vehicle assistance to students who are volunteering in the Portland Metro area, these vehicles are not available for CSWS use. The Moreau Center does encourage students to use public transportation to access our community partners or consider a Zipcar membership. Any organizations willing to assist in offering their students TriMet tickets or public transportation assistance are welcome to do so.
Where can I find additional information about working with students?
Visit our Supervising Students page.
Who is our contact person for CSWS with the Moreau Center?
Clare Kennedy is the Program Manager for Community Partnerships for the Moreau Center and manages the CSWS program in partnership with Student Employment. She can be reached by email at kennedyc@up.edu or by phone at 503-943-8195.
How do I become a CSWS partner?
If you are interested in becoming a CSWS partner, please email CSWS@up.edu. We would be happy to set up a meeting to discuss your organization and position you have in mind, the CSWS program, and see if a CSWS partnership would be a good fit. Position openings are limited and all organizations and positions must be reviewed for federal compliance.