Explore Leadership
The Moreau Center provides many Student Leader Positions that allow students to grow as they make a difference in the University of Portland community and beyond while promoting community engagement among their classmates. The leadership skills students build through the Moreau Center transfer well to both personal and professional endeavors. Moreau Center student leaders experience formation that prepares them to be committed to service and working for justice in our world.
Leader Positions

Immersion Coordinators
Immersion Coordinators plan and lead 5 day to 2 week long Social Justice Immersions both locally and across the country.

Campus Volunteer Coordinators
Campus Volunteer Coordinators (CVCs) act as a liaison and encourage their peers in volunteerism by creating a clear path for service with a local nonprofit or school.

Plunge Into Your Neighborhood (PIYN) Coordinators
PIYN Coordinators will organize and lead the Pre-Orientation program for first-year and transfer students, creating a welcoming environment for new students and engaging them in the community.

PIYN Small Group Leaders
Plunge Into Your Neighborhood Small Group Leaders serve as a mentor to a small group of new incoming students during the PIYN Pre-Orientation program.

PIYN Digital Storytellers
The Digital Storyteller on Plunge Into Your Neighborhood captures moments from Plunge Into Your Neighborhood to tell its story to the community and at our Celebration Dinner.

PIYN Hospitality Coordinator
The Hospitality Coordinators focus their time and energy on creating a welcoming environment for all PIYN Experience participants.
Student Leader Testimonial