Post-Grad Volunteer Opportunities | University of Portland

Post-Grad Volunteer Opportunities

Is graduation around the corner and you’re still unsure of your next step? Are you interested in an alternative experience, new challenges, or a way to give back? Don’t rule out full-time volunteer service.

Volunteering after Graduation Offers

Solid work experience. Gain valuable experience to help your resume stand out when you apply for your first job or for post-graduate educational opportunities.

New skills. Grow personally and professionally by developing additional skills and expertise that will serve you well in your first job and beyond.

A chance to become part of real solutions. You’ll have the ability to make a difference by working hands-on with people who make change happen.

An opportunity for adventure. Whether you volunteer in another country or with a population outside of your everyday experiences, you’ll experience new challenges and ways of life.

A live-in community with other volunteers. Many volunteer programs offer housing, along with a similar community experience to that provided at University of Portland. Some volunteer organizations offer the opportunity to pray together, share meals, and contribute reflections.

Need some additional inspiration? As we get older, career and family responsibilities and other commitments may prevent us from volunteering full-time. Volunteering just out of college is an ideal time to pursue an adventurous and rewarding experience. Because of all the benefits you and those you are helping gain, it may be possible to defer your student loans.

Organizations and Resources for Post-Grad Service

Are you:

  • interested in post-grad service but unsure what might be the best fit for you?
  • just looking to bounce some ideas off someone regarding post-grad opportunities that might be right for you?
  • interested in being connected via email with alumni who are participating or recently participated in post-grad service?

Email the Moreau Center to schedule an advising appointment for discerning post-grad service for yourself.

Explore the wide variety of organizations dedicated to providing meaningful experiences for post-graduate students locally, nationally, and internationally.

The Haas Center for Public Service at Stanford University hosts a database of Fellowships, Internships, and Service Programs.

The Catholic Volunteer Program's RESPONSE directory is the largest and most comprehensive guide to Catholic and Christian volunteer programs available.

Alumni Reflections 

male alumnus with child at NPH Honduras

Seeking Alumni Reflections

We welcome reflections from alumni on their post-graduate experiences. If you are currently volunteering with a post-grad program or have already completed a year of service, please share your stories and inspire others today! We welcome experiences, stories, or anecdotes; impressions or memories; learning or advice; information you wish you'd known beforehand; reasons your service was valuable; and/or anything else you'd like to share.