Service & Justice Coordinator (SJC)
In partnership with local and global communities, the Moreau Center for Service and Justice engages critical human and environmental concerns through active learning, mutually beneficial service, and experience-based leadership development rooted in Catholic social teaching. Our work is possible through the commitment of a team of about 30 student leaders who inspire and lead their peers in various programs. All Moreau Center for Service & Justice student leaders commit to the Moreau Center’s core commitments of Social Justice, Solidarity, Community and Reflection.
Service and Justice Coordinators (SJCs) facilitate opportunities to engage members of their residence hall and the University of Portland community on issues of social, environmental, and economic justice. Through their collaboration with other Moreau Center leaders, residence hall staff and various student clubs and groups, SJCs provide direct service opportunities- connecting students with people and communities beyond campus- as well as education and advocacy opportunities for students to engage social justice issues in intentional and reflective ways. SJCs are a vital link between the Moreau Center for Service & Justice, community-based organizations, and their own residence halls.
- Enthusiasm to invite and engage residence hallmates and UP peers in social justice learning, community engagement opportunities, and reflection.
- Desire to deepen understanding of personal identity and its intersections with social justice issues.
- Eagerness to engage with Portland community partners through service and solidarity.
- Openness to facilitate critical reflection with peers.
- Desire to collaborate with fellow SJCs, residence hall staff, UP clubs, Moreau Center staff, and community partners.
- Curious learner with growth mindset.
- Desire to be a leader within one’s residence hall community.
- The weekly time commitment varies according to the time of year. However, one should expect to work approximately 120 hours per semester (approximately. 8-10 hours/week), including:
- Plan, promote, and lead 2-3 service opportunities for your hall community each semester.
- Collaborate with co-SJCs and another UP or community group to plan, promote, and lead 1-2 social justice engagement events each semester.
- Engage in one monthly check-in with hall leadership (meet with Hall Director/Assistant Hall Director or attend hall council meeting).
- Attend weekly SJC meetings, focused on leadership development and social justice awareness-building.
- Attend weekly one-on-one meeting with Service & Justice Program Manager for program advising and personal formation.
- Create and carry out individual Learning and Engagement Plan centered around a social justice issue of your choice.
- Dedicate time weekly to planning hall service and social justice engagement events.
- Participate in weekend Moreau Center leader training at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
- Serve as small group leader for Plunge Into Your Neighborhood (PIYN) experience, which requires early arrival for Fall Semester.
- Serve as small group leader for MLK Day of Service, in mid-January.
- Award toward costs of University Room (approximately $2,500)
- Professional and personal development through Moreau Center advisement.
- Leadership training and experience.
- Educational opportunities on issues of advocacy and social justice.
- The SJCs are supervised by the Program Manager for Service & Justice at the Moreau Center for Service and Justice.
Moreau Center Leadership Positions are open to all students. If you have a disability, health concern, or special dietary needs, please contact us (moreaucenter@up.edu) to determine what reasonable accommodations can be made to facilitate leadership and participation.
The SJC Program is currently on pause. Please revisit this page at a later date for any updates.